Your performance partner
Build Scale Succeed

Headquartered in New York, Lascaux Vauzel is a boutique coaching and consulting firm which partners with startups to help them achieve their goals faster and more reliably.

We accompany entrepreneurs, visionaires and their teams to help them define their offering, reach strategic decisions, and nurture an environment that will deliver their vision with clarity, purpose, and sustainability.

Lascaux Vauzel offers specific expertise on 3 domains:




Foundational Marketing

We help startups establish sustainable marketing processes from day one, architected around a long-term vision of the function. Foundational marketing enables activity scaling and grows a fruitful ecosystem between Sales, Engineering, Operations and Marketing.

Communicate your value

As an entrepreneur, you bring vision and passion to the journey. With time as your most limited resource, success in executing that vision requires discipline beyond yourself. From your MVP to your next-gen product, your value proposition needs to be clearly articulated across many touchpoints and many people.

We help you build a powerful collaboration and communication framework that protects the integrity of your message and orchestrates your roadmap for consistent, iterative delivery.

Contextualize your impact

In rapidly evolving circumstances, your value proposition is only relevant if it connects with everything else around you. Your team believes in you if what you offer makes sense in their context. Your clients embrace your brand if it complements their own values. Your investors support your company if it furthers their sense of purpose.

We help you articulate your brand so it fits the market as it stands, and guide your audience towards transformational and lasting engagement.

Roadmap your success

IPO isn't a goal, it's a step. Unicorns are not animals, they are metaphors. Even as your investment into your own success makes you the cheerleader of your startup, you need to define a clear, realistic and consistent path to its success.

The long-haul coaching we provide helps you define the milestones you'll need to reach, shape the road between them, and track your progress with mesurable indicators that others can buy into.

People & Culture

We help startups hire, train, manage, grow and evolve their teams to achieve personel readiness for the next steps of their development. Investing in employees that stay with you in the long-haul nurtures a coherent, interdependent, highly effective team that outperforms individuals, stars and career-minded hires.

Organizational Scalability

Each growing startup goes through a transition from a handful of founders to 30, 50 or 100 employees. From one site to several satellites. From one country to multiple markets. For this transition to be successful, careful structures, processes, workflows must be established, and each of them will appear as a distraction to founders and CEOs.

We take care of implementing all the necessary framework so you can remain focused on your vision.

Personal & Social Purpose

As a founder you may be entirely absorbed in your startup, but as your team grows, the center of attention of your hires shifts closer to their own focus on personal and professional growth.

We help you develop and run programs that offer your teams the social engagement and personal accompaniement so their success and your success remain aligned.


The leadership team is a lonely place: everyone looks up to you to show the way, yet most C-level executives have never done that job before. The more important your leadership for the company, the more you need coaching.

Our advisors can act as your sounding board or researcher, to help you focus on what defines your success, identify areas in need of improvement, and personalized path to achieve it.

What we don’t do

We only work for you when it makes sense, do you can be confident we will further your success. Here are activities we cannot help you with:

How it works

Our framework follows 3 principles:


We meet with you once a week at the same time. Like a workout, effectiveness stems from commitment.


Our Advisors each only accompany up to 3 startups at a time, so we remain available and work with you between sessions.


We review short-term objectives, prepare the next phase of company growth, and work on self-improvement as a workflow.

Ready to boost your startup?

Contact us as to begin the discussion.